When something is written on twitter it can be taken out of context in numerous ways. I think that is a big reason for a lot of what has been going on lately concerning this twitter drama/conversation/war whatever you want to describe it as.
I just want to start off by saying I have been attacked along with everyone else. The attackers are being attacked, it's a lose lose situation all together. I started blogging and tweeting because I love the show, and I think if all of us collectively have something in common it's that we LOVE THE SHOW. We will never agree on who we like best, who we support, who did what wrong and who said this or that. But I genuinely love the controversy and guess what, so does Bravo and the HWs themselves. I sometimes wonder would they rather all get along and have happy relationships with bad ratings, or be in constant crazy turmoil , battering each other in every media outlet possible and be one of the top shows on TV. I really don't have an answer for that question.
It's no surprise that when all the drama went down between Caroline, Jacqueline, Melissa, Kathy and Teresa the fans were just as invested as the ladies themselves. When I watched the first season of RHONJ I totally fell in love with Teresa! The other ladies were great too but like Caroline said at the second Posche Fashion Show episode, she's a dynamo. She may screw up her words and not come off like a scholar, but she is most certainly real, hilarious and doesn't hold back her emotions for anyone. I think that is what makes us love reality stars , when they are REAL. NO surprise there with T, and why she is so successful in everything she does. It was shocking to all of us when her real life problems began to surface. In season one we watched her build her dream house and throw wads of cash around for furniture, clothes, parties, cars and anything else her heart desired. When things got difficult for her, she stood up and began working her butt off to make things right, always with a smile on her face she never broke down once even as the hits kept on coming. Auctions, Joes arrests, all kinds of crazy untrue rumors. None of that mattered to her fans because she was upfront about it and how many of us could identify with that? Tons! Everyone is struggling. No matter what was said about her, true or untrue, it never effected the way people felt about her. At the time during season 1 & 2 , MOST fans had a mutual distaste for Danielle and it was the major focus of turmoil on the show. Collectively the rest of the wives came down on her as a group. Was it maybe unfair? Sure. But Danielle is not innocent and we all know that. Her quote for season 1 was "you either love me or hate me, there is no in-between." it may have been the one true thing she said. It's not to say that fans would not have been able to forgive Danielle for her past or present blunders~ except for the fact that she denied denied denied. There comes that love of being real~ we saw her do one thing and a second later in her interview, she would attest to something totally different. But back to the matter at hand.....
Season 3 had a very different vibe. You could see it written all over Teresa's face- something had drastically changed. She wasn't totally the same. I can't say I blame her. Housewives was her thing and it was part of her identity, when Melissa and Kathy joined it definitely hit her hard, she said it herself. Do I think Kathy and Melissa should have told Teresa they were going to be filming for the show? Yes absolutely! They are close family and if my sister in law did that to me I'd for sure be like , wtf? But the way T explained it, it came off like she expected them to ask her permission. I don't think it's her right to decide if they were to be on the show or not. That said, it's completely possible she didn't mean to come off that way. But it set the tone for the entire season.
Alot of people tell me, Melissa Gorga is not innocent! And then they'll spout off rumors about her house being in foreclosure and how they built it under a construction loan and how it's illegal. Or even how she used to be a lesbian or a stripper. I look at it like this...if Teresas fans can be so understanding of her legal issues, how can you use something like that against Melissa? Even if all that were true, and some of it very well may be, I don't feel like it makes her a bad person. just like T is NOT a bad person because she filed bankruptcy. None of this stuff is legitimate reasons to hate on of the wives. The same goes for any financial struggles the Brownstone may have had or if Jacquelines credit card gets denied. I've seen this stuff used in mud slinging all the time. Is it really relevant?
For those die hard Teresa fans, here's a question and please feel free to tweet me your answer. Please don't take this out of context because I'm genuinely interested. Where does your hate for all things Manzo stem from? In general I have seen people bring up Albert being fired by Governer Christie, the brownstone being mortgaged to the hilt , her kids spoiled etc etc. Those in my opinion aren't reasons to hate her. It's no different than hating Teresa because she filed bankruptcy. People say to me , "Caroline isn't innocent, her husband got fired from the water commission for lying." What they haven't read is that Albert has a full fledged apartment over the Brownstone and it was a misunderstanding. He donated his salary from that job to charity in order to make something good out of it. Now what about Joe Giudice trying to obtain a drivers license under his brothers name and signing his partners signature without permission? And what about Teresa waiting until a month after her bankruptcy was filed to sign the contract on her book, allowing her to keep the 200,000 dollar advance? ANY of this stuff could be incorrect information, but it's all out there. My point is, this type of stuff shouldn't be used as ammo against them. I can totally see why people are beginning to rally against the Manzos. They come off high and mighty, believe they are greater than thou, "Don Caroline", her sons are Mommas boys, her daughter has self esteem issues & participates in nasty arguments on twitter while ignoring her fans. Sure there are a ton of reasons to dislike her!
Its kind of interesting how Team Teresa is on the offensive, in fight mode, ready to pounce at any moment. It's very comparable to Teresa herself right now. There is SO much crap being written about all of them. In Touch magazine is a huge source for starting trouble and there is no way to decipher what is true or false written there. Jacqueline claims Teresa sold the stories, yet it has awful accusations written about Teresa herself. In Touch basically writes whatever will get the most attention, we have to remember this is the same mag that last year had a cover claiming T was pregnant with a baby boy! How can we take anything we read in there seriously? Teresa did a few interviews for them, however, that cant be denied. I like to stick to believing anything written in-between quotes and even that is questionable lately.
Anyway you look at it, this broken up relationship between Caroline&Teresa has caused a huge divide in the fans. Instead of having fun gossiping every week and trying to predict what will happen next, we are tearing each other apart and getting personal. And personally I think it sucks! I've said this 100 times and I'll say it again, I love the controversy. It makes the show interesting, there wouldn't be a show without it!! But It's a shame we are throwing insults at each other , blocking people and taking it to a level it should never have gotten to. When did watching this show become dramatic for the fans? It's supposed to stay behind the screen.
If you like one particular housewife more power to you, Team Teresa vs. Team Caroline could be a fun, interesting competition. What we should be talking about is what's going o with TERESA AND CAROLINE, not busting on each other in such harsh ways. And not even just each other, the cast members themselves. I'll be the first to say, if Lauren Manzo does something on the show you don't agree with, tweet her and call her out. But is it necessary to cut her down? I guess no matter what, there will always be that one person. That may be the very problem. A group of people will similar interests forms, and then one person takes a step too far and it becomes a sort of mob mentality.
As a blogger and having a decent amount of followers I have to maintain a happy medium or at least try. Meaning, if Caroline does something inarguably stupid, I will say so. If a rumor is written about Teresa, I might post it, but that doesn't mean I agree with what's written there by any means. I might think it's totally bogus!!! People tell me I need to remain fair to both sides, and I agree, but I also will have an opinion to keep it interesting. If you disagree with me by all means, that is what I am here for, let me know! But I don't think it should be taken out on me personally or vice versa. As of now I don't have anyone blocked and I'm open to any and all opinions. As a huge RHONJ fan I hope this feud passes between my favorite housewives, and with it this horrible twitter war. Bravo, please hire a new villain :)
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