Thursday, December 15, 2011

Season 3 Recap & Strippergate 2011

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I have been extremely hesitant to approach this subject in my blog for quite some time due to the extreme stigma around it on twitter and the way some have become incredibly invested in the characters of the show~ some have gone a WAY overboard and resort to personal attacks against any or all who oppose them on one of the MANY issues I will address here, now. Keep in mind this will be my last blog post on this particular site, RHONJGOSSIPs official website/blog will be open shortly after Christmas. I have to say it is looking amazing, extremely easy to navigate and open for my followers to post comments, pictures and links... The site is going to be a bit like the Wikipedia of housewives- you will be able to find any information on any wife from any season and also ADD whatever you please! I will keep you updated on it's status and can't wait! 

I would like to start off by saying this blog is entirely based on my personal opinion. Time and time again I have expressed the reason I began blogging and mostly tweeting about RHONJ was to create a space were we could discuss and debate the shows. This worked out very well initially- especially while the show was airing weekly. I have found that since the show wrapped and we find ourselves a bit bored waiting patiently for it's return (rumored to be February!) things have gotten slightly out of hand and in some instances down right nasty! I think we have had far too much time to speculate on tid bits of information we have received that may or may not be true. Tid bits evolved into full scale smear campaigns and personal attacks on certain women coming from BOTH sides of the proverbial fence. Now being that most of this transpired on twitter we have to accept that sometimes things of the sort are unavoidable....and those hating hard are a needle in a haystack of fans who are for the most part fair, equal and not so quick to judge. 

This maze of opinions, information (true or false), rumors, claims and insults is impossible to navigate and come out with a non-frazzled brain. Some fans are devoted heavily to one wive or another and refuse to see any evidence that may point against what beliefs they have set for themselves ; this in itself causes all out twitter war! It's gotten so bad that people's children have been insulted, including mine. Absolutely unacceptable! We do all have one thing in common and that is we are RHONJ fans- and have to remember sometimes it is really only a show about people we don't know in real life. Therefore those spending their days engaged in all out twitter arguing nonsense need to come back to REALITY. They have taken the meaning of Reality Show too far- making the problems of these women on the show their own and fighting tooth and nail to all who don't agree with them 100%. I do believe once the show airs one of two things will happen- we will all see much more truth and be able to put to rest some of the malicious rumors and things will calm down OR it's going to get much, much worse. Please don't let it be the latter. 

As I try to sort through this in my brain I can't help but wonder when this all began. Because if I remember correctly going into season 3 there were no such problems. Season 3 was a huge catalyst.... Danielle Staub was fired and suddenly we were without a common villain (admittedly she does have many fans and always has, but in a nutshell the majority of avid RHONJ fans are not also DS fans). Well where does this leave us? Her departure was like a pebble that hits your car windshield and leaves a tiny chip. Soon that chip turns into a crack and before you know it, the windshield shatters into a million pieces. 

Let's go back & recap season 3. Danielle was out and suddenly Melissa and Kathy are thrown into the Mix~ this in itself completely changed the dynamic. Suddenly we go from a group of CLOSE friends who did indeed refer to each other as family involved in a hate fueled drama against one person ...with most fans in total agreement, to something completely different. Me thinks Bravo hit the jackpot on the reunion when Teresa exploded in Danielle's face "DO NOT BREAK UP MY FAMILY!"  this was one of the first inklings of Melissa Gorga's existence and the drama claimed by Danielle about Melissa contacting her about this or that (Danielle claims she has emails from Melissa saying God knows what- but regardless this did not shine any positive light in Melissa's direction very early on). Some have said that Teresa was very against Melissa joining the show and knew she had been wanting to all along, so she made an effort to keep the cameras away from her.  Moving on...

In my opinion Bravo may have already been considering Kathy & Melissa far before this altercation, if you recall~ at Audriana's Christening there is a shot of the two specifically... And this was far before they were officially cast. Any way you slice it, Bravo saw an opportunity to ignite a flame and they more or less sparked it and threw gasoline on it. The show immediately shifted into focus on Teresa's family - Giudice vs Gorga with a side of Wakile.   Very suddenly the Manzo's and Laurita's became supporting roles with Teresa and Melissa as the star antagonist & protagonist.... But which is which? Very clever Andy!

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We were not granted a slow introduction to the seething animosity in this family.  The christening was an immediate gauge of how intense a feud we were about to witness grow uncontrollably and explode. Here's my take on it :

- Teresa congratulated Joe & Mel for the second time on camera. I feel like she had good intent- she was attempting to show us that she loves her brother, but she may have inadvertently come off a bit fake to Joe & Mel.

- there was obviously pre existing issues going on before the show aired, including and not limited to the fact that Teresa was unhappy with Melissa and Kathy making the choice to accept Bravo's offer, and Melissa being pissed off that Teresa thought she had a right to have a problem with that. Teresa obviously looked at it like this- Bravo was aiming to open a book on her family drama. She knew this being a vet of the show, when Melissa may have not realized the gravity of what she had done by coming on. While the drama was probably inevitable, neither T or M curbed it by any means... They fell right into the trap as Bravo probably hoped and a full scale family feud ensued.....

-  Joe & Mel were already on edge, waiting for Teresa to do something on camera to make them look bad, start a fight or whatever. Well, instead of T instigating they did then job pretty well themselves & Joe exploded...with much un needed help from Melissa's sister ( I like the Marco girls but she would've been better off just leaving it be. ) I don't believe it was Teresas MO to start ANYTHING, but she went about it wrong and maybe could've saved alot of problems by not even going over to them at all. She said herself she said congratulations at the church...why bother to say it again , even for the sake of the cameras? Joe and Melissa obviously felt like hey, she's doing this to make herself look good and we think it's totally fake.

- this being the first episode they had a reason to be suspect.. Unsure of the ropes and what Teresa had in mind to set the tone for the entire season. She was in fact well loved and still is, giving her the one up and the ability to set people's first impression on Melissa quite easily.  

- Teresa was trying in her own way to take the high road, and the way Joe and Melissa saw it was Fake fake fake, and Joe was drunk. I think no matter what she said he would have blown up on her. I don't understand what would push him so far as to call her garbage, especially over a simple congratulations (had it been for the cameras or not, she didn't deserve that). 

- this particular explosion is in my eyes 100% on Joe's shoulders..
 He took it to an unnecessary level and Melissa admitted to this more than once. 

With all this on the table, added  to whatever deep rooted problems the family had's no wonder things kicked off with an emotional, physical family fist fight that none of them will surely ever be able to forget. 

On a related issue many people mention to me that if Melissa cared anything about Teresa she would have never joined the show. This is an area where I disagree. I do not think she joined the show expecting the outcome which in fact went down. She didn't join the show with any malicious intent.... She didn't want to hurt Teresa's parents, Teresa or anyone else. Did she join the show to COPY Teresa? Although I feel allegations of her copying Teresa in any way are immature and childish.... To some extent, i feel she may have been a bit jealous of Teresa's spot on the show. Consider this, wouldn't YOU be?? If it were my sister in law, I know I would be! Melissa has the disposition of a performer....something like this was obviously very appealing to her! Of course she would want such an opportunity. I can't for one second believe that in receiving the offer to join the cast she thought to herself - "oh this would be a perfect way to piss off and hurt my husbands family." ANY housewife from any show will tell you the cameras in your living room are going to be stressful on the family. Did Teresa consider this before she joined? I don't think she realized what was to come and neither did Melissa. Was there pre existing drama ? Of course! There is in EVERY family. Danielle Staub had pre existing drama in the book written about her, did she consider the effect such accusations could have on her daughters? I'm sure! The Manzo family had drama, did Caroline consider the consequences? Probably. But they still signed the papers.

So why is it any different in Melissa OR Kathys case? I believe they both joined because it's a fabulous opportunity, maybe they even saw a platform for future business opportunitys... EVERY housewife does just that, especially miss Teresa who has done everything from a set of cookbooks to endorsing teeth whitening products. In no way shape or form could Teresa justify the way she called out Melissa and Kathy for using the show as a platform. That just does not fly.

So the season goes on. In the beginning I fully expected to hate Melissa- I am an avid Teresa fan and I felt like she was there to antagonize a PLETHORA of Teresa fans do. But as each show went by I began to feel different. It seemed to me Melissa was making an effort. She encouraged Joe to rectify the christening situation and make up with Teresa for the sake of the kids, Got together with Teresa to battle it out at Jacquelines, organized a play date with Teresa and even kicked a woman out of her home during a Christmas party to ensure Teresa was comfortable.  All this time Bravo portrays Melissa as putting forth a noticeable effort, and in the same segment we have Teresa in an interview making backhanded commments and snide remarks. Now, if you follow the blogs you see more of Teresas true feelings on the entire situation. She begins one blog saying she would never bash her family on twitter or in the media, but in the blogs Bravo expects her to air out her true feelings and she hates to do such a thing, but it can't be all puppies and rainbows.  Then comes 10 paragraphs of not so nice feelings on Melissa.

According to Teresa, She joined the show thinking it would be "filming her and her friends out to lunch, shopping and having fun." I cant help but laugh. First of all she knew from other episodes of Housewives that it was NOT going to be a nice, family friendly drama free show. Second common sense would tell you that this was far from the case, a group of women shopping and getting along perfectly isn't going to make a damn dime. Teresa is a smart lady and she knew this full well. Now she claimed that having seen her (T) get raked over the coals in season 2 and the heartbreak it caused her parents, who in their right mind would want to do such a thing? If that is her opinion on what Melissa SHOULD have done , fine. But let's say one of the OC housewives had told Teresa that the show tore her family apart and caused drama for her.  Would this have stopped T from signing the contract? Big fat NO! This was Melissa's decision to make. Yes, she was aware of problems it caused for Teresa, however Melissa was not in debt, facing bankruptcy or any of the above. It is possible she thought things may go a little different for her , being that she IS a completely different individual. Teresa also blogged in season 3 that Melissa was TV and fame hungry. I think I can partially agree with that! In the mean time, this would imply Teresa was not? She signed up for the show and last time I checked she wasn't scared of the camera. It seemed to me like she enjoyed it.... Now, heaven forbid Melissa did the same. How dare she enjoy herself! 

Now let's stay on track - this is still all my personal view!! Let's keep it cool, calm and collected. No table flipping ; Pay attention please :) 

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The season moves on and we see Melissa begin to record a song, something she attests that she's always dreamed of. Yes... Another Housewife one hit wonder. While the song was well recieved by many fans, Teresa lovers were not impressed. A plethora of things happen along the way- let us not forget from the beginning of S3 Caroline has an instant, pre existing dislike toward Melissa and Kathy. Early on at the Posche Fashion Show- a normal place for explosive drama to transpire- we see Caroline snap at Kathy after a quick squabble between her and T. Why so quick to judge Caroline? Well we didn't know then, but later find out (via Caroline @ reunion) that Teresa had allegedly been feeding negative information about her family members to her closest friends. This is the reason for her down right rude and nasty attitude with Kathy.... "kill each other in your own homes." Kathy visits Caroline at home to apologize for what happened at The Brownstone & make amends. Being a good friend to Teresa, Caroline is again incredibly rude and snubs her- then sends her packing.

It seems Teresa has no patience for Kathy from the start and seems to bat her off like a pesky mosquito when necessary. She also insults her several times, as does Joe Giudice,  and goes on to insult Richie and insinuate that he makes fun of her because he is "obsessed with her". Melissa is on the receiving end of this accusation and proceeds to assume Teresa meant Richie wanted her sexually - this is the same conversation where Teresa claims she has never heard Melissa sing & half heartedly congratulates her on her single. Veerrrrry very insincere. 
I mention this stuff because I find Teresa's reaction to Melissa's singing a bit unfair. Up until a certain point Melissa is very supportive of her cook books- even going to a signing where Joey buys 10 of them to give to friends. Melissa did in fact say the recipes in the book were mostly Mrs. Gorgas but that is a well known fact and alluded to in the book.

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We move on to Christmas and Melissa+Joey throw a party for a Children's Hospital Charity. Kim G is invited ( Melissa believes Kim is "harmless" ) and decides to get back at T for calling her an old lady by escorting the wife of the lawyer who is heading up the court case against Teresa and Joe - whom T happened to have a not so nice run-in with in the courthouse. Without needing much explanation this woman is not well liked by T and Kim G was very aware of that fact.  Melissa did not invite this woman directly and when she learns of it she proceeds to ask her to leave immediately~  which is obviously very uncomfortable for her and would be for anyone. Despite some squawking from Kim G, Monica eventually leaves. Joe & Melissa both plainly asked her to leave, explaining they couldn't  have her stay because they are trying to work things out with Teresa . Melissa personally escorts her to the door. Some Melissa haters have said they believe this incident was staged ...that really doesn't make too much sense if you think about it. Even if it was in fact staged, for what purpose? This couldn't have been for any other reason but for Teresa's benefit any way you look at it. Aside from it all Melissa was genuinely trying to get through the night without an altercation. With the arrival of Kim G that quickly went out the window. She took time out of her party to make things comfortable for Teresa. 

In mentioning Christmas I will address Joe Giudice. I think alot of the time he actually just says what Teresa is thinking but will not say. He didn't exactly help her appear to be Melissa's victim. One particular thing that stands out is him calling Melissa raccoon face, and trash in the same few sentences at Teresas Christmas party. This was the dinner that Melissa and Joe made an appearance at before they went to Kathys. It caused a huge amount of controversy. With things on thin ice as they were between the two couples, I don't blame Joe and Mel one bit for leaving. I for one would want to relax on christmas and not have to feel tense the entire time, like there was a big fat elephant in the room and no one would speak about it. They were good enough to come by and spend a few hours, and leaving did upset the kids. Teresa directly blames Kathy for the fact that Joe will not stay- she's a bad cousin for inviting them because if she hadn't, they wouldn't have left. This is one of the most ridiculous explanations I've ever heard for anything. Clearly this was not ANY fault of Kathys-  she simply invited them and they did not have to accept. They chose to leave Teresas so if she wants to blame anyone it would be them. Back to Juicy Joe.....what happened to the Joe we all freaking LOVED in season 1&2!? He turned into such an angry , nasty person. At one point in a later episode he's SO incredibly rude to Teresa I was shocked she allowed him to talk to her that way. So he calls Melissa raccoon face, and T claims at first that he was talking about Melissa's sister (Lysa or Kim were obviously not present - after the christening fiasco WHY On earth would they be??? They wouldn't be there even if that never happened.) so it makes ZERO sense. Joe repeats the raccoon insult in the next episode & Teresa admits this time he WAS referring to Melissa. Fast forward to the reunion, she then claims he was talking about KATHY! Kathy was ALSO NOT THERE, and had nothing to do with the situation at hand. But hey, why not? We don't want him to look bad for calling Melissa raccoon face, so hey it's much better to insult Kathy. Makes no sense what so ever......

Very noticeable is the other wives reactions to this feud. When both Caroline and Jacqueline started out completely supportive of Teresa and wary of Becoming friends with Melissa or Kathy, the two (c&j) begin to have a change of heart. Note that BOTH Caroline and Jac are very supportive of Teresa reconciling with her brother. Jac first suggests T write a letter to Joey, much of which blames Melissa for their problems. 
Later Jac goes so far as to  encourage the two to have a sit down at her home and joins them toward the end of the both this conversation and a later phone convo it is evident that Teresa and Melissa are a bit stuck on things that happened in the past instead of trying to move forward. Overall its CONSTANT tit for tat between the two women. Neither one seems to be able to drop issues from the past, making it impossible to reconcile and at times making things even worse. Both Caroline & Jac seemingly become frustrated with her, and as time goes on they form friendships with Kathy & Melissa. This obviously irritates Teresa and her close bond with the two begins to unravel.

The cookbook in the final episode seemed to be the final straw on the camels back. Leading up to this were many squabbles and instances where the friendship slowly was chipped away. I believe the cookbook was taken out of context. When I first read it I didn't think much of it. The 1/16th Italian joke was nothing new and I felt like much of the other stuff was in fact meant to be a joke. HOWEVER, I don't think the book would have lost ANYTHING by not including it. Either she included it because she knew it was going to ruffle feathers or she wanted to add some housewives drama in for added interest, it wasn't relevant to the book and she would've been better off to just leave it out. I think if there hadn't been so much leading up to it, those involved may have brushed it off and not made a big deal about it at all. 

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At this point in time Teresa is peeved at Caroline and Jacqueline for befriending Kathy and Melissa. It was obvious at Kathys goddess party, which T diminshed and put down several times... Questioning everything from the food to the belly dancer. What does a bellydancer have to do with goddesses? She said she would have done it better, with men in togas serving appetizers. I'm not sure how that has to do with goddesses , either. If you recall Teresa wrote in a blog that she didn't need a reason to dislike Danielle other than the fact that Jac and Caroline didn't like her. That's called being a real friend, according to her. But this doesn't really make sense, because Teresa had many personal reasons for disliking Danielle. Danielle spread rumors of Joe's infidelity, her house being in foreclosure, called her children dogs, infuriated her at the reunion by bringing up Melissa's name and questioning if she acknowledged her nephew...etc. Lets face it, Teresa HAD MANYYY reasons to dislike Danielle and it wasn't simply because she had her friends backs as she said. In fact I recall her disliking Danielle SO much that she chased her through a country club yelling obscenities, flipped a table and threw Andy Cohen to the ground in attempts to get past him to beat her ass. But that being in the past...the real focus is that, Teresa claims she stuck by Jac & Caroline in this respect and they didn't grant her the same courtesy. The way I see it is they did....Caroline had no interest in befriending Kathy and was self admittedly very rude to her.  But as time went on, the ladies began to see the new wives for who they were instead of going off what they were told by Teresa.

Let's give T some love now, because I understand where she was coming from with certain issues. It came off to me like this....

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- Her one major goal is to have a good relationship with her brother who she loves dearly. No denying that in any way.

- there is a history in the Gorga / Giudice clan that we have not seen and do not understand. This is a huge problem in deciding from a fans standpoint who is right or wrong, if anyone. We simply don't know enough or are misinformed .

- if I were to be cast for housewives and gain fame and notoriety for it, it would for SURE peeve me off if my sister in law who i already have existing beef with, who I feel stole my best friend from me... My brother, decided she was going to join the cast.

- not only does my SIL join, but my cousin who I also am not on favorable terms with.

- last season she was put through the ringer in the media and it was painful for her parents. Knowing this, and knowing the drama that has the potential to surface  by her joining...Melissa went ahead with it.  Now not only is Teresas not so ideal life ON DISPLAY, but this now involves the entire family. 

- despite warning them and attempts to keep it from happening,  Teresas two best friends who she refers to as family begin to cross over to the other side. 

- with all this on her shoulders, you can't blame her for lashing out. She isn't the same Teresa as she was in seasons 1&2 by far and people start to notice- there is a backlash from fans..

- together with their impending bankruptcy, the Giudices lose a law suit and Joe is arrested multiple times. Items from her home are photographed and threats of auction ensue....

With all this on her plate, it amazes me this woman moved through it with grace and dignity and came out Ok on the other side. Recently Teresa has been very careful on interviews not to mention her sister in law or any co stars.....leaving us chomping at the bit for season 4. With SO MUCH CONTROVERSY between fans I hope with everything I have that the show will put all this nasty speculation and rumors to rest....

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Now to address stripper gate. Please bare with me and remember, personal opinion!!!!

I don't know how it started or why, but allegations of Melissa Gorga having been a stripper at the club Lookers in NJ is quite possibly one of the most heavy, nasty, controversy ridden rumors to ever cross RHONJ fans on twitter. People dedicated days, weeks and months as well as entire blogs to debating it. 

This accusation originated several months ago, but was rehashed and exploded like an atomic bomb the day of the 2011 Posche Fashion Show , to be aired in season 4... Once again the Posche Fashion Show did not disappoint in terms of drama.... And it continues on with a raging fire months later. 

Let me first say a bit about each of the key players and their involvement.

Lookers Gentlemens Club - owned by the family of Penny Drossos (hmmm) - @pdkhair owner of Chateau Allure salon and spa. According to reviews and the owner himself + Melissa this is a bikini/Gogo bar in which girls may not fully remove their tops or bottoms. In the state of NJ, nude bars or strip clubs are forbidden from serving alcohol. This particular club has "dancers" and "barmaids". Dancers paid the club for stage time and were reimbursed in tips, there for no checks or pay records would be avail. For dancers. Barmaids were paid via check. More to come

1 . Melissa herself - accused of stripping at club in NJ in her early 20s. She says 21 in a tweet but according to records she was 24 or 25. Claims she worked a short time, records indicate a year. 

2. Angelo Vhrohidis -manager of lookers for 13 years but multiple people involved claim he did not know or work with Melissa during her time working at Lookers. Angelo is the origin of the rumor and did an interview with a blogger which stormed the Internet. In such interview he claims Melissa was a dancer + gives the info that dancers were not paid by check. Melissa later produces payroll records which if are legit, proves Angelo was in fact lying in the interview. 

3. Chris Kontos - owner of Lookers, signed a certificate saying Melissa was never a dancer but only a bartender.

4. Larry Guarino - ex manager of Lookers who claims Melissa was never a dancer but only a bartender, said he trained Angelo Vhrohidis and that Angelo did not in fact know Melissa.

5. Penny Drossos - owner of Chateau Allure Salon, where prep for Posche Show was done for Kim D and Teresa  on the day of the show. Apparently Penny is vying for a spot on RHONJ and dislikes Melissa Gorga due to comments her PR rep made regarding her and her family 

6. John Karagiorgis - husband to Penny Drossos, close friend of Angelo Vhrohidis who was present at the salon on the day of the show.

7. Will Love - some type of blogger......I am really not sure. But he was present at the salon & the Posche show. Apparently he was one represented by the same PR company as Melissa and Melissa wasn't nice to him so he decided to write a blog about his experience that did not seem to pertain to anything important at all- much like nost of the stuff Will Love writes. The point is, he was part of this group on the day of the show & later threw Melissa under the bus for whatever reason. His blog doesn't pin point any exact reason as to why M would have an issue with him..however, he does mention that he saw her brother in law at a gay bar. Maybe that's why she disliked him.

So present at the salon the day of the show & confrontation against Melissa are the following -

Penny, John, Teresa, Kim D, Angelo, Will Love ..hmmmmmm

So from what little information we have and coinciding with Angelo's interview whether or not it was true ~ 

At the salon preparing for the show are those listed above. Angelo's interview indicates he approached Teresa at the salon and said something to the effect of 

"I know your sister in law, I used to be her manager at Lookers, she was a dancer."

Problems with this? Yes. There's no way in hell Teresa didn't already catch wind of this long ago had it been true. There have been allegations that she had this info for a while and was waiting for the right time to expose it. JUST ALLEGATIONS.  This is where it gets tricky and ruffles people's feathers.... Was Teresa involved in this or did it just come off as if she was?

Who walks up to someone and says I know your brothers wife she used to be a stripper? Hmmm.. She supposedly had a short confrontation with him at THE FASHION SHOW and ended up telling him to leave her sister in law alone. Well if according to Angelo he informed her at the salon, why did she wait until he got to Melissa at the show before she said anything? As you can see the story is very incomplete and it's difficult to project on what really happened- until season 4.....ugh. But I do know one thing.....If I were T I would be asking is this guy doing here????? He OBVIOUSLY HAD A MOTIVE. Maybe she didn't think he was going to walk right up to Melissa and say something. But she did know he was mic'd and she's no spring chicken when it comes to drama on the show, so I'm guessing T had some inkling of what was going to happen. 

So the big question for months has been who the heck set this up?? There are a few suspects.......

1. Bravo.... Knowing that this would be a huge dramatic event they brought in Angelo , which would explain why he was mic'd...or why he was even there at all. Why the F Was he anyways? 

2. Angelo himself because he's looking for his 15 minutes... 

3. Teresa. Rumor has it she knew about Melissa's job long ago and was waiting for the right moment to expose her. It has been said she paid Angelo to show up and confront Melissa, possibly by Teresa. Remember Jacqueline also quit the show due to this whole incidident and tweeted relentlessly about it for days afterward. She insinuated that Teresa did in fact set her up and at the reunion, the other ladies didn't challenge that accusation. It seemed as if they all knew exactly what happened. Teresa of course vehemently denies any wrong doing. Once again, we will see much more on this episode. But for Jacqueline to have quit, posted text convos between her and Teresa, be partially involved in exposing the pic of Joe Giudice at dinner with another woman and to not attend the reunion-there had to be a MAJOR issue. Also recall that at the reunion the women seemed to be SEETHING at Teresa, which caused the onslaught of bashing she received there from both her cast mates and Andy Cohen. Although she handled It well, it was slightly reminiscent of Danielle Staub. Doesn't that just break your heart? This woman we all fell in love with for her awesome personality sat on that stage and denied every question thrown at her much like DS. Is it possible everyone else is wrong and she's being ganged up on by all of them? I'm not sure....I have a hard time believing that everything Andy asked her was based on total BS.

So up to date the only information we have on Melissa Gorga actually having been a "STRIPPER" - mind you at a club that nudity is not allowed in - is the word of this man Angelo Vhrohidis who is a PROVEN LIAR. NOT ONE other person has come forward with matching information. Out of working at this club for a year +, not one other customer, fellow employee, manager, distributer...NO ONE has brought forth one other piece of material to support the blabbering of a man who we know has lied at least once in regards to the situation.  

In my world on twitter it seems as though there are many people who take his interview to heart and fervently believe him- from the outside, it is a very small percentage and most intelligent, open minded individuals look at this fiasco and dismiss it immediately- there simply is no proof. But some people have developed this incessant hate for Melissa which is fine, EVERYONE IS ENTITLED TO AN OPINION OF THEIR OWN. 

Hate Melissa all you want, but you have to be fair & look at the facts. This man has lied, and no one else has come forth to put any truth to his claim. Now we look at the proof that she was NOT in fact a stripper :

- Owner of Lookers Chris Kontos signs a certificate claiming she never stripped 
- Melissa unearths payroll records proving Angelos claim wrong
- ex manager Larry Guarino says Angelo is a liar, she never danced
- Melissa threatens legal action against anyone who claims she stripped 

I would love for someone to re interview Angelo and ask him to explain how if he claimed strippers (again this is not a nude club) or dancers were NOT paid , did Melissa have a payroll record. He has since not made any public statements or remarks on the issue.

So we have all this information to disprove Angelo's claim, plus the fact that even if ALL THIS INFO IS WRONG...ITS STILL NOT A NUDE CLUB. Therefore she never stripped anyways. 

Does this seem like beating a dead horse? I hope so. Those still holding on to the thread left of this case should cut their losses and accept it, the poor woman wasn't a dancer. She bartended in a gentlemen's club and as for the picture, oh my she peed once in her life. What a terrible person she must be. With a pill bottle in the background? DRUG ADDICT! But wait, weren't some people pissed she accused Angelo of doing drugs? But it's okay to accuse her...okay I get it. This is called hypocrisy and people need to wake up and see the truth. Some are blind to whatever they don't want to see....selective hearing plays into it too. 

I recently asked a Teresa fan ;who claimed every time Melissa opens her mouth, she bashes T; to find me one single article to prove her claim. She stopped tweeting me after that. I still haven't seen one article in which Melissa has been openly nasty about Teresa. Yet if you re read Teresas blogs from S3 it's a Melissa hate factory.

I'm not asking Teresa fans to abandon ship and love Melissa or vice versa. By all means love your favorite housewife! Debate it all you want, that's what I thrive on as a blogger and what the show is based on...CONTROVERSY! But please I beg you, be informed and look at all the facts. Consider for one moment you may be wrong here and there. Just because you don't like Melissa, doesnt mean every negative thing written about her is automatically true. Give every HW the benefit of the doubt. Then step back and remember - this is a show on for one hour per week and doesn't directly affect your life. You don't know these people, and to be honest they don't care about you enough to waste your precious time in life engaging in war on twitter on their behalf. Consider how many hours you have spent doing so. If you had a few days to live...would you spend that amount of time arguing with strangers on twitter over Melissa or Teresa? Of course not, so why waste it NOW? Enjoy the freaking show and if you disagree with something by all means hop on twitter and talk about it. But don't call names, harass people and berate the cast member themselves... It's NOT WORTH YOUR TIME! PS Bravo loves the attention you are creating and so do the wives- even if you speak of them negatively you are still speaking about them and all they see is $$$$$$$$$$. 

The Housewives also don't want us tearing each other apart on their behalf. Today I saw a loyal supporter of Penny's delete her account - she got too involved, too hateful & too nasty and Penny didnt want her representation any longer. I'm sure Teresa wouldn't want her fans berating Melissa's fans ever

Hope everyone can see where I'm coming from and even if you don't agree 100% remember we all see things different. We are ALL RHONJ FANS and have that in common if nothing else. Hoping this animosity will come to an end very very soon! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays all!


  1. to customer • 8/13/2004
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    The ones you mention, are they the same ones from here at Lookers?

    customer • 8/13/2004
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    you should check out Hott 22. i saw a hell of a lotta hot white girls. angellica, melissa, godiva, vanity, are just too name a few.


    Also take a look at the dates these were posted. If that was Melissa Marco Gorga then she defo danced at Lookers

  2. Please tell me why u blocked me when everyone was attacking you over this...I actually stood up for you and next thing I know, I'm blocked. Too bad...I enjoyed tweeting with you about your cutie pie son and sharing memories from when my son was young. Best wishes to you... I hope all is going well with your pregnancy. Happy New Year! -Debi
