Saturday, October 29, 2011

Twitter Wars

When something is written on twitter it can be taken out of context in numerous ways. I think that is a big reason for a lot of what has been going on lately concerning this twitter drama/conversation/war whatever you want to describe it as. 

I just want to start off by saying I have been attacked along with everyone else. The attackers are being attacked, it's a lose lose situation all together. I started blogging and tweeting because I love the show, and I think if all of us collectively have something in common it's that we LOVE THE SHOW. We will never agree on who we like best, who we support, who did what wrong and who said this or that. But I genuinely love the controversy and guess what, so does Bravo and the HWs themselves. I sometimes wonder would they rather all get along and have happy relationships with bad ratings, or be in constant crazy turmoil , battering each other in every media outlet possible and be one of the top shows on TV. I really don't have an answer for that question.

It's no surprise that when all the drama went down between Caroline, Jacqueline, Melissa, Kathy and Teresa the fans were just as invested as the ladies themselves. When I watched the first season of RHONJ I totally fell in love with Teresa! The other ladies were great too but like Caroline said at the second Posche Fashion Show episode, she's a dynamo. She may screw up her words and not come off like a scholar, but she is most certainly real, hilarious and doesn't hold back her emotions for anyone. I think that is what makes us love reality stars , when they are REAL. NO surprise there with T, and why she is so successful in everything she does. It was shocking to all of us when her real life problems began to surface. In season one we watched her build her dream house and throw wads of cash around for furniture, clothes, parties, cars and anything else her heart desired. When things got difficult for her, she stood up and began working her butt off to make things right, always with a smile on her face she never broke down once even as the hits kept on coming. Auctions, Joes arrests, all kinds of crazy untrue rumors. None of that mattered to her fans because she was upfront about it and how many of us could identify with that? Tons! Everyone is struggling. No matter what was said about her, true or untrue, it never effected the way people felt about her. At the time during season 1 & 2 , MOST fans had a mutual distaste for Danielle and it was the major focus of turmoil on the show. Collectively the rest of the wives came down on her as a group. Was it maybe unfair? Sure. But Danielle is not innocent and we all know that. Her quote for season 1 was "you either love me or hate me, there is no in-between." it may have been the one true thing she said. It's not to say that fans would not have been able to forgive Danielle for her past or present blunders~ except for the fact that she denied denied denied. There comes that love of being real~ we saw her do one thing and a second later in her interview, she would attest to something totally different. But back to the matter at hand.....

Season 3 had a very different vibe. You could see it written all over Teresa's face- something had drastically changed. She wasn't totally the same. I can't say I blame her. Housewives was her thing and it was part of her identity, when Melissa and Kathy joined it definitely hit her hard, she said it herself. Do I think Kathy and Melissa should have told Teresa they were going to be filming for the show? Yes absolutely! They are close family and if my sister in law did that to me I'd for sure be like , wtf? But the way T explained it, it came off like she expected them to ask her permission. I don't think it's her right to decide if they were to be on the show or not. That said, it's completely possible she didn't mean to come off that way. But it set the tone for the entire season. 

Alot of people tell me, Melissa Gorga is not innocent! And then they'll spout off rumors about her house being in foreclosure and how they built it under a construction loan and how it's illegal. Or even how she used to be a lesbian or a stripper. I look at it like this...if Teresas fans can be so understanding of her legal issues, how can you use something like that against Melissa? Even if all that were true, and some of it very well may be, I don't feel like it makes her a bad person. just like T is NOT a bad person because she filed bankruptcy. None of this stuff is legitimate reasons to hate on of the wives. The same goes for any financial struggles the Brownstone may have had or if Jacquelines credit card gets denied. I've seen this stuff used in mud slinging all the time. Is it really relevant? 

For those die hard Teresa fans, here's a question and please feel free to tweet me your answer. Please don't take this out of context because I'm genuinely interested. Where does your hate for all things Manzo stem from? In general I have seen people bring up Albert being fired by Governer Christie, the brownstone being mortgaged to the hilt , her kids spoiled etc etc. Those in my opinion aren't reasons to hate her. It's no different than hating Teresa because she filed bankruptcy. People say to me , "Caroline isn't innocent, her husband got fired from the water commission for lying." What they haven't read is that Albert has a full fledged apartment over the Brownstone and it was a misunderstanding. He donated his salary from that job to charity in order to make something good out of it. Now what about Joe Giudice trying to obtain a drivers license under his brothers name and signing his partners signature without permission? And what about Teresa waiting until a month after her bankruptcy was filed to sign the contract on her book, allowing her to keep the 200,000 dollar advance? ANY of this stuff could be incorrect information, but it's all out there. My point is, this type of stuff shouldn't be used as ammo against them. I can totally see why people are beginning to rally against the Manzos. They come off high and mighty, believe they are greater than thou, "Don Caroline", her sons are Mommas boys, her daughter has self esteem issues & participates in nasty arguments on twitter while ignoring her fans. Sure there are a ton of reasons to dislike her! 

Its kind of interesting how Team Teresa is on the offensive, in fight mode, ready to pounce at any moment. It's very comparable to Teresa herself right now. There is SO much crap being written about all of them. In Touch magazine is a huge source for starting trouble and there is no way to decipher what is true or false written there. Jacqueline claims Teresa sold the stories, yet it has awful accusations written about Teresa herself. In Touch basically writes whatever will get the most attention, we have to remember this is the same mag that last year had a cover claiming T was pregnant with a baby boy! How can we take anything we read in there seriously? Teresa did a few interviews for them, however, that cant be denied. I like to stick to believing anything written in-between quotes and even that is questionable lately. 

Anyway you look at it, this broken up relationship between Caroline&Teresa has caused a huge divide in the fans. Instead of having fun gossiping every week and trying to predict what will happen next, we are tearing each other apart and getting personal. And personally I think it sucks! I've said this 100 times and I'll say it again, I love the controversy. It makes the show interesting, there wouldn't be a show without it!! But It's a shame we are throwing insults at each other , blocking people and taking it to a level it should never have gotten to. When did watching this show become dramatic for the fans? It's supposed to stay behind the screen. 

If you like one particular housewife more power to you, Team Teresa vs. Team Caroline could be a fun, interesting competition. What we should be talking about is what's going o with TERESA AND CAROLINE, not busting on each other in such harsh ways. And not even just each other, the cast members themselves. I'll be the first to say, if Lauren Manzo does something on the show you don't agree with, tweet her and call her out. But is it necessary to cut her down? I guess no matter what, there will always be that one person. That may be the very problem. A group of people will similar interests forms, and then one person takes a step too far and it becomes a sort of mob mentality. 

As a blogger and having a decent amount of followers I have to maintain a happy medium or at least try. Meaning, if Caroline does something inarguably stupid, I will say so. If a rumor is written about Teresa, I might post it, but that doesn't mean I agree with what's written there by any means. I might think it's totally bogus!!! People tell me I need to remain fair to both sides, and I agree, but I also will have an opinion to keep it interesting. If you disagree with me by all means, that is what I am here for, let me know! But I don't think it should be taken out on me personally or vice versa. As of now I don't have anyone blocked and I'm open to any and all opinions. As a huge RHONJ fan I hope this feud passes between my favorite housewives, and with it this horrible twitter war. Bravo, please hire a new villain :) 

Monday, October 17, 2011

Devil in a Blue Dress

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

So the reunion last night fulfilled my every was freaking nuts! I am still in shock at the way Teresa and Csroline's relationship has completely fallen apart. The entire spectrum of RHONJ fans is now split into Team Manzo vs. Team Giudice. Or is it Team Giudice vs. Everyone? I think it may be. Throughout the season I have seen devout Teresa fans stick tightly to their beliefs and keep on loving her, defending all negativity til the end. As of now those Tre lovers seem to be tuckered out, giving up...ties all but unraveled. Since she once was my absolute favorite housewife hands down, I am with you and I feel your pain. It just totally frigging sucks to hate her! She is being compared to Danielle for craps sake, a bad sign. The ladies have been tight lipped about season 4 but I can already tell it's going to be filled with nasty arguments and packed full of shit talking and drama. But that's what we love right?

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

I'd like to take a second to address that particular issue. I get A LOT of tweeters who go BSC (bat shit crazy) about negativity popping up about my twitter feed directed towards Teresa, or any of the wives for that matter. I just have to explain this~ the housewives is a REALITY SHOW. IT WOULD NOT EXIST WITHOUT DRAMA OR NEGATIVE THOUGHTS, ACTIONS, ETC. It is a medium for controversy and that's why you are here reading this blog. We like to have different views and opinions, that's what makes us American. If you can't handle it, I don't know why you watch the show really.

Back to the reunion....

Is it just me or did Teresa seem like she was very prepared? Girlfriend came out with GUNS BLAZING!! She was totally ready for whatever they had to throw at her. "Bring it bitches!" WOW! I never doubted Tre had balls, but it threw us all for a loop when she barked at Caroline like a rabid dog. Manzo fans are gonna hate this but I think she almost took her down a notch.
To me Caroline was always like this unbreakable, unbeatable force that no words could affect. No one could or would even try to take her down. We saw her verbally kick the crap out of Danielle more than once. I just figured she would grab Teresa by the neck like a yapping chihuahua and toss her out the back door. No such luck. I do have to say that Tre was at a loss for words more than a few times and didn't seem like she had a great answer for absolutely everything. As Caroline did, I felt stupider by the time it was over.

I love when Andy Cohen suggested she find out how much she needs to pay back on her massive amount of debt. The tabloids are full of shit , it's not even close to 11 million. Its only 8! Big big difference there. I have a feeling Teresa knows exactly what she's up against, she is still trying to put on a fake smile and act like everything is going to be okay. Teresa, if you pretend enough, it still doesn't just disappear. You could compare that to Teresa going light on the Christmas gifts... no, Gia didn't get an iPhone for Christmas. She only got an iPod touch. She had to wait another 3 weeks for the phone. The Giudice's are cutting back, come on ! I really feel badly for Gia and I don't think she should have seen the christening episode. However, she did live through it and personally witness it. But letting her see the edited Hollywood version is like adding insult to injury...Tre could have skipped that. I don't know if her parents noticed by the song she sang, but Gia is majorly effected by this family feud going on. Finally, when we all thought it was over... Another atomic bomb drops and this time I don't know if that family will recover. For the kids sake, I hope so.

When I predicted Teresa was going to be this seasons Danielle at the reunion, not to toot my own horn, but I couldn't have been more spot on. It seemed very similar, deja vu. Everyone was lying except Teresa. Question after question, accusations one after another she shot down. Apparently everyone is completely wrong. I feel like if she just owned up to some of the stuff it would have a different effect. Her lying only gives them more ammo. The cookbook is a huge source of controversy. I feel like if Teresa hadn't acted the way she has all season, it would not have been such a big deal. But it was like the straw on the camels back. After all the mud slinging she has done against Kathy and Melissa, to put it in writing was like the final insult. Everyone just flipped their lid. I think some of the jokes were not so bad, some were unecessary. Like the Chris Manzo reference to the stripper car wash. Totally could have done without that, and how could she not realize it would piss of Caroline? Unbenownced to us, Caroline and Teresa have had issues for a long time. 2 years according to Caroline. In a recent blog Teresa said Caroline never called her family. I call bullshit! Caroline stood up for her numerous times and was always there for her. I just don't get what Teresa's deal is. She must have had an underlying reason to attack her. With all this said, the cookbook certainly got alot of extra recognition. It makes me raise an eyebrow.... Could all this drama be staged? Up until now the wives have been friendly on twitter. Now all of a sudden they are battling when Fabulicious was released months ago. Teresa has recently tweeted that Manzo fans are writing fake bad reviews about her cookbook on I bought the book when it came out and skipped over the intro so I didn't know about the jabs until now- I always thought the recipes left much to be desired. This is going to sound a little catty, but I'd rather she have concentrated on more unique dishes than tacky outfits for Gia, Gabrielle and Milania to wear. The girls are amazingly cute but the clothes keep crazier :)

Bottom line, Teresa hated the fact that Bravo casted Melissa and Kathy. Mostly Melissa. They have huge competitive issues. Or at least Teresa feels that way... The last two seasons, Tre was the cute, sexy italian princess, the young rich housewife with a great man who would do anything for her. Due to her actions she let Melissa do exactly what she feared the most~ walk right into her spot. With every backhanded comment we began to see her differently. If she had taken their joining of the show in stride and acted maturely, or at least pretended she didn't care and kept some dignity it would have been another story. Sure, in seeing her reaction to Danielle bringing up Melissa on the season 2 reunion, Bravo probably forecasted drama gold. Of course! Let's cast Teresa's family and set her up to walk into the trap of a family feud. But in my opinion Teresa could have avoided it by simply accepting them and going on with her own life. She says it all the time, she has a gorgeous family and that's all that matters. Obviously it's not. She has to be better than Melissa. I've heard people bash Melissa and say she only came on RHONJ to destroy Teresa- that's bull crap. Teresa destroyed Teresa.

It's kind of a disturbing jealously really... She feels Melissa took her brother away from her. Newsflash Teresa, you got married and so did he! You can't be his number one woman forever. You're his sister, she's his wife. Now she's wearing the crown and you can't handle it! So instead of letting go and worrying about your own family, you "crucify" Melissa every chance you get. I can't understand her argument that the new girls wanted to use the show as a platform for singing and desserts when that was Teresas MO for being on the show from the very start. Did it ever occur to her that ANYONE would want the opportunity to be on housewives. And it doesn't have to be because they want free advertising. You obviously wanted it, is it so hard to believe they could have been interested too? Joe Gorga said it well, if Tre could just realize other people can be successful too and not just her, she might be alot better off.

Which brings me to her accusation that both Joey and Richie got their business ideas from Joe Giudice. Funniest statement of the night : "Joe Giudice is the go to guy for business advice." I think not. She can't possibly believe her and Joe are responsible for everyone else's success. If that IS true, Joe Gorga went right somewhere when Joe Giudice went wrong. She had alot of nerve to say that.

The whole reunion was like the Teresa show and it left alot of unanswered questions from the season. Jacqueline not being there was like 50 pages been ripped out of the middle of a book. It left alot to be desired. I hope next week we can talk about some of the other wives...personally I'd like to hear more about the conflict between Dina & Caroline. That's another bombshell that's a complete mystery. And for those two to be on bad terms, something pretty horrendous must have happened. We can see that Caroline blames Teresa. But Dina's tweeting lately says no way, it has nothing to do with her. Only time will tell. Maybe Dina will make a few cameos in season 4!? I hope so, I just love her. But for now all we can do is wait until next week. I appreciated that Jacqueline live tweeted~ it filled in some of what we missed by her not being there physically. But the other wives seemed squeamish about it. It was obviously a very uncomfortable day for all of them. Until next week..... I can't imagine that it could get any more sensational, but these Jersey girls never let us down. xxoo

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Kim G : Like A Zit That Won't Heal No Matter How Many Times You Pop It

There has been an ongoing PM passed hand to hand among tweeters this past week, and that was the phone number to the North Jersey Country Club. And not because we all want memberships! Kim Granatell, better known as the infamous Kim G~ wannabe Real Housewife extraoindinaire recently has had way too much to say in the land of twitter, much involving the status of an unnamed housewives membership. Even though Kim thinks she is sly, we know she's talking about Caroline Manzo. And from what it looks like tonight, karma has taken another bite out of her granny ass. Kim has deleted her tweets, and rumours are circulating that she received a warning not to mention the club or it's members, or non members for that fact again. Why not just delete the related tweets? No clue... But for a moment I thought she had blocked me because her timeline is empty. 

NJCC wasn't the only subject Kim was squawking about this week. For some reason she decided to dredge up old grudges and arguments and attack Caroline Manzo and Teresa Giudice, while claiming her and Jacqueline Laurita have reconciled their friendship and in addition have been spending quality time together. Kim also alleged that the famous photo of Joe Giudice came directly from her, NOT Jac. She tweeted, "for the record, the photo of Joe Giudice with his latest girlfriend didn't come from Jacqueline, it was sent to me. I had it." 

This leaves me with the following questions;

1. LATEST girlfriend implying she is neither first or last?

2. Who sent you this pic, how do you know her and where did she get it?

3. Who is the chick pictured!? Several reports said her name was Nicole. What is her relationship to Joe Giudice? 

I went over much of this in my last blog if anyone needs to play catch up. Mainly I am heavily questioning the truth in what Kim has said. What the hell is her motive and what does she have to gain by exposing herself as the source? Besides publicity... Bad publicity as usual. 

As Caroline mentioned on the latest episode of WWHL, when out with Lauren Manzo on a recent shopping trip, they spotted Kim G with Michael Lohan in Franklin Lakes, NJ. Besides the snooty video Kim released where she bragged about being in a relationship with Lohan and that he had been so great, doing all her yard work and installing the fountain she stood in front of...the relationship has been kept pretty mum.

Maybe this is to fend off any public or private attacks from Michaels former babe, Kate. We all saw on Celeb Rehab 5 she can get a little possessive. My point is, it seems Lohan and Kim have been having a good old time..why is she choosing to step back into Real Housewive territory and stir the pot again? Her beef with Caroline was nearly a year ago at Melissa Gorga's Christmas Party. In the last week she has bragged about Caroline being denied membership to NJCC, called her ass distorted, gotten nasty about the relationship between her son "Johnny G" and Christopher Manzo (she said Caroline ruined their friendship and it will never be the same) and just for kicks she threw in that Teresa looks like an ape. Now we all know Kim is irrational, rude and immature for however old she is..but what gives, why now? It's unlike the old bat to hold her tongue for so long.

My only guess is that something happened privately that we do not know about. Or maybe she was pissed Caroline mentioned her on WWHL, but there was nothing malicious about it. As usual, the Manzo clan has stayed classy and remained mum on the situation. I doubt Caroline would dignify Kim with any type of a response. Chris Manzo shot her a sarcastic tweet recently implying that she was controlling and who made her queen? To which she replied, who allowed you to speak? Lol. Maybe this had something to do with Kim, as several of her tweets involved her perceiving Caroline as controlling, high and mighty, holier than thou, I'm the queen blah blah blah. 

Whatever Kim, what are you so scared of? 

You declined Bravos invite to the Posche Fashion Show, but watched like an obsessed stalker from your condo which conveniently was in the same building. If you hate these women so, why are you even bothering to watch? I think she went out and bought the condo specifically to spy on them because she is too much of a coward to actually attend. If her and Jac are such good friends and she had so much dirt on Teresa, it baffles me that she wouldn't make sure she was there! Kim G missing out on an opportunity to sling mud at  someone, especially Teresa? Hell to the no. Like many things involving the fashion show, the reunion and the entire fourth season~ something doesn't add up. 

Until more photos are released, or one of the women has a bad day and takes to twitter again, we just don't have all the puzzle pieces. I'm hoping the finale & reunion offer us SOMETHING, ANYTHING. If you haven't seen teaser commercials for the finale, it is obvious something is brewing between Teresa and well...everyone. She even somewhat attacks Caroline in her cookbook introduction to Fabulicious: saying Caroline is as Italian as the Olive Garden. To which the always classy Mrs. Manzo replies , "I'd rather be my kind of Italian than her kind of italian." This finale is gonna be a good one guys & girls! 

As for Kim G, I wouldn't be surprised if she made a cameo somewhere between now & the end of season 4.... But then again, I won't be at all upset if she doesn't. For a woman her age which for the record IS in her mid fifties (many of you believed she was in her sixties, and she definitely does appear much older than she is) she sure does act like an agitated teenager. She's downright mean, but when you think of her spouting insults in that whiney voice it just comes off as annoying, like a little barking dog you'd just like to swat away. Keep barking Kim, atleast it gives us someone to hate on besides Teresa. I was watching season 1 today and was reminded of why we all fell in love with Tre. Although it doesn't seem to be in the near future, I hope we get to see her hilarious fun loving side again soon. Bravo, cast new villains, please!!!!!! 

Goodnight all, xoxoxo

Sunday, October 2, 2011

If I were a Giudice

Haha, I could go on forever with this one. Who didn't love the show tonight? Even though we are all chomping at the bit for info on this weekends scandals, I'm glad we got some closure on season 3 issues.

We started off with the last couple days of Punta Cana. Many of you have been asking, what ever happened to that fight footage? You know, where the entire male cast of RHONJ gang beat a NYC police officer? Although Im sure they didn't realize that at the time. I haven't seen any new information on that court case, but I did read that Bravo paid the victims an undisclosed amount of money to settle (some said 25,000 dollars each)and after that, they seemed to disappear. Typical. I have to say the highlight of this vacation and possibly the entire season is when Joe Gorga & Joe Giudice go back to back. When they realize they are the same height, they proceed to try and have a "cock off". Thankfully for us this is put to a stop, but not before Greggy Bennett gets caught looking a bit too excited. I just love that kid.

Teresa and Kathy ignore their argument for the rest of the vacay, and the boys decide to go golfing. Joe Giudice shows us he has s great amount of skill at this particular sport, and as an added bonus we get to see him in a sweaty wife beater. Just a few minutes prior he was wiping his face with his pants... Which we see he has worn quite a bit beforehand. Yuck. Moving on, the girls use this opportunity to do some shopping. What they don't know is that Teresa has decided on behalf of everyone that they are going food shopping so she can do "research" for her new "Latin-Italian fusion cookbook" hmmm.... Well anything to make a quick buck. Speaking of that I recently discovered Teresa promotes a brand of teeth whitening product. Is there anything this woman doesn't use her celebrity for? Its astonishing that she calls Melissa out for using the show to promote her singing career & Kathy her catering business. I just don't know how she can say such things without considering her own business ventures.

Taking one moment to talk about Tre, I have had a few of my followers on twitter get slightly defensive about Teresa lately, and of course the few crazy cult followers of good old Danielle Staub. What I have to say to the Teresa fans is this: she puts herself out there, she signed up for this show to chronicle her life. Not all of it is always going to be positive, especially when she does not act in a positive way all the time. As of late she has been quite negative in my personal opinion. Teresa in seasons 1 & 2 was my ultimate favorite. Anything I say about her now is in direct relation to her recent actions and that is it. People have said to me "you don't know anything about her unless it comes directly from her" are you kidding me! This is a reality show!!!! Celebrities are celebrities because people talk about their lives. If we had to wait for every piece of information to come directly from Teresa herself there would be nothing to talk about, and therefore no show. As for the Danielle question to you is, what is there to worship? Her sordid past? The time she pistol whipped someone? When she had sex in a room adjacent to her daughters where they could clearly hear her? The fact that either one of them could simply type her name into google and watch her get her brains banged out by some stranger in a disgusting amateur porn? The way she manipulates people to get what she wants? The way she is a backstabbing, two faced, lying tramp? She is an amazing role model I have to say. Several people on twitter seem to be brainwashed by her and hang on to her every tweet like it's their lifeline.... I'm assuming these few are very lonely, impressionable people who have borderline personality disorders and are not able to fit into society very well. It's the only reason I can come up with that anyone would go as far as to say they worship her. But I guess some people worship Charles Manson too. There are all kinds of people out there, I would prefer to steer clear of those who idolize Danielle Staub.

Back to the show! So the gang comes back from Punta Cana and Richie hopes Teresa isn't going to sit too close to the cockpit so her voice doesn't cause the pilots to crash the plane. Thankfully they all make it home safe. I agree with Kathy completely when she says she needs a vacation from that vacation.

Fast forward to Melissa's performance. We see her practicing hard up until go time where she is warming up her voice....which none of us really understood because she obviously was lip syncing. I can't say this suprised me, she was doing a pretty energetic dance routine which would pretty much make singing live impossible. I think she did a pretty good job, it's just not the type of song that sounds right without being auto tuned, like so so many songs on the radio today. She can't be singled out, it's just how a lot of music is like it or not. It was pretty funny when Teresa said the only thing On Display was Melissas cleavage. She had to take her first opportunity to throw a dig, it's just Teresa's way. She and Kathy end up having a heart to heart at the end and finally talking out their problems.

I am currently stumped. If all problems have been worked out, what does this leave for next week?? It better be something juicy!

So now I'm sitting here finishing up, catching a few minutes of WWHL in between. Simon mentioned he wanted to give Teresa a good hate pounding...lols. Who doesn't lately. All I have to say is I hope next season the hatred is focused elsewhere. I really, really, really don't want to feel like Tre how I feel about Danielle. She has inevitably become the villain this season and I can't say I like it. Bravo, please cast a few new villains! I wouldn't be opposed to bringing back Danielle if that meant I could stop disliking Tre. It's like being mad at your best friend, just doesn't feel completely right even if she's acting like a complete asshole.

Someone WWHL just asked if Teresa was this years Danielle, see what I mean? Who wants to compare our beloved table flipper to that prostitution whore!?

How sad is it that next week is the season finale!? However, I am DYING to see the reunions go down. I will be truely upset if Jacqueline isn't there... I feel like it won't be half as interesting without her there. Think about this, if she isn't there, who is going to call Teresa out on her BS? I can't see it being half as dramatic if Kathy is dishing it out. Come on Jac, don't leave your fans hanging. Otherwise Kathy might make Teresa type up a contract and sign it, promising not to start anymore drama and explaining what her future goals are. The Wakiles are huge on documentation if you haven't noticed. I promise you Richie made Victoria photoshop his face onto her boyfriends body, sign it and carry it with her everywhere.

Goodnight loves, thanks for tweeting with me tonight! I could barely keep up & I love it! xoxo

Jersey Royalty

Saturday, October 1, 2011

ANOTHER set up

To begin on a positive note, Teresa has announced she is releasing her third cookbook in 2012: Fabulicious Fast & Fit: a Weight Watchers, calorie counting italian themed recipe collection. Also, She has been cast for the Celebrity Apprentice! Although I feel Caroline would have been a better choice, we all love Teresa and it should make things very interesting. I will be watching for sure.

Now for the bad news.

As if we are not confused enough, more drama sprung up on twitter and Facebook today in the escalating war between Teresa & Jacqueline. Im a little baffled by Jac, she said she was done with all this and moving on to better things, yet now she is throwing fuel on the fire by posting screen shots of text conversations between her and Teresa. She comes off as very desperate to be believed.

Here is what the message FROM Jac to Tre said :

"person that sent me this has more. It is sad because it's coming out, she said she sold the story and there's more. This show is a curse! I would never have wanted this for you! Never!

Tell your husband I am NOT getting into your business & NOT to threaten my husband! I didn't take or release those pictures and I'm also NOT the one in them! I thought I was helping you! Don't shoot the messenger! You were going to see them anyways! I was trying to give you a heads up to be prepared before they went public! She has a lot more, she may still release them. Don't shoot the messenger! I think the girl said the girl he was with was named Nicole and she drives a white Merecedes car. That's what they pulled up together in.

I don't want to get....(cuts)

Lying and it's not my fault. True story, girl with the pictures is named Erin. I don't know her last name. I won't say anything more to you about anything, good luck with everything.

Now here is the last twit pic Jac posted , regarding the situation with Melissa at the Posche Fashion Show :

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

So much craziness to take in!

Now we have to assume these text messages are regarding Joe Giudice. It's quite obvious there is some type of scandal going on where he was seen with another woman, who is looking to gain from releasing these pictures. How Jacqueline knows her or about the pictures is extremely unclear. Just from the texts it appears that Joe is beyond pissed (apparently threatening Chris Laurita) and Jacqueline is trying to explain that she was trying to have Teresas back.

This all feeds into the theory that something big and bad is going on in the French Chateau (Joe & Tres) and she did a bad job attempting to cover it up by slinging mud at Melissa.

Obviously whatever she tried to do backfired badly ; the Melissa as a stripper saga is quickly fading and many people don't believe it for a second. It's just another way for Teresa to convey her dislike for her SIL. This completely blows me away and makes me cringe.... All season she tried to convince everyone she wanted nothing but reconciliation with Melissa and her brother. I think in Teresas ideal world, Joey Gorga would realize what a skank Mel is and split up with her.

I think we all can plainly see, it ain't gonna happen Teresa.

Joe and Melissa seem to have a good thing going. They have a nice home, beautiful kids and a good relationship. She's young, beautiful and they are as Greggy Bennett put it, the worlds hottest couple. Of course Teresa feels Melissa is stealing her flame! Up until this season, Teresa and Joe were the hot, fun, rich couple. She is fighting tooth and nail to retain that image. Little does she know, every move she makes further dimishes her once awesome disposition.

I have to add that Juicy & Tre haven't been dealt the easiest lot the past couple years. Publicly, they went bankrupt and almost had all their possessions auctioned off. To say the least it's embarrassing, and I feel terrible for her. She has tried to hard to save face and appear like nothing is wrong, but faking it is not what made us fall in love with her. We miss the REAL housewife in her. We miss the funny, quirky, ditzy, beautiful Teresa Giudice. We could do without the snide backhanded comments, the evil plots, the backstabbing, lying, two faced, hateful woman who has shown through as of lately. And while what she has been through could bring out the worst in anyone, why does she insist on taking it all out on Melissa? I can't think of any other reason but pure jealousy. She feels she has been replaced, and in many ways she has. Melissa has maintained a sunny, upbeat disposition no matter what has been thrown at her. Has she made her fair share of snarky comments? Of course... But when someone who calls herself your sister in law is consistently doing everything in her power to bring you down, it's a little hard not to meet it with some kind of defense. I have to say I don't blame her when she does her Teresa impressions, it's to be expected. Not everyone is perfect, something Teresa has yet to realize.

Bottom line : Melissa coming on then show stole Teresas thunder. It made an already jealous, volatile relationship much much worse. Teresa tried to act like she could put it all behind them and move on, but that was just it, an act. So here we are at the end of the season and she decides to add one last insult to injury... She's had a plan brewing all season long, and she sees another blow coming her way with the pictures of Joe and the younger girl. Perfect time to deflect one scandal with another.

Okay so back to Joe. Here are the unanswered questions:

1.) Who is this woman?

2.) How many pictures are there, how did they get into her possession? The only one we have seen so far was taken by a patron of TGIFridays. Apparently there are many more, and this Erin is going to leak them eventually.

3.) was Joe Giudice cheating? Is she just a friend? I think if that was the case, he and or Teresa would have come out and said so by now, obviously they are not so innocent in nature. I think they are working on how to handle this in the media as we speak. If they have any intention of addressing the situation at all. One picture, possibly not. If more come out, they are going to be expected to provide answers.

Jacqueline seems to be heavily involved in all of this. I'm not too sure of her role. Yes, she and the other wives appear to be disgusted with Teresas actions at the fashion show, but as far as the leaked juicy Joe photos I dont know how to define her involvement. Obviously she has some connection to this Erin. But Erin hasn't even been named as the girl in the photos. Multiple sources say that girls name is Nicole.

For the sake of all us die hard fans, I hope more information trickles in to fill in all these holes over the next few days, and I'm positive the reunion will shed some light. As of right now, Jac is the only wife tweeting... And then we have Melissas blog. All the others, including Andy Cohen are mum. It's the perfect way to keep us all on the edge of our seats for season 4, no ? ;) goodnight all!