Thursday, October 6, 2011

Kim G : Like A Zit That Won't Heal No Matter How Many Times You Pop It

There has been an ongoing PM passed hand to hand among tweeters this past week, and that was the phone number to the North Jersey Country Club. And not because we all want memberships! Kim Granatell, better known as the infamous Kim G~ wannabe Real Housewife extraoindinaire recently has had way too much to say in the land of twitter, much involving the status of an unnamed housewives membership. Even though Kim thinks she is sly, we know she's talking about Caroline Manzo. And from what it looks like tonight, karma has taken another bite out of her granny ass. Kim has deleted her tweets, and rumours are circulating that she received a warning not to mention the club or it's members, or non members for that fact again. Why not just delete the related tweets? No clue... But for a moment I thought she had blocked me because her timeline is empty. 

NJCC wasn't the only subject Kim was squawking about this week. For some reason she decided to dredge up old grudges and arguments and attack Caroline Manzo and Teresa Giudice, while claiming her and Jacqueline Laurita have reconciled their friendship and in addition have been spending quality time together. Kim also alleged that the famous photo of Joe Giudice came directly from her, NOT Jac. She tweeted, "for the record, the photo of Joe Giudice with his latest girlfriend didn't come from Jacqueline, it was sent to me. I had it." 

This leaves me with the following questions;

1. LATEST girlfriend implying she is neither first or last?

2. Who sent you this pic, how do you know her and where did she get it?

3. Who is the chick pictured!? Several reports said her name was Nicole. What is her relationship to Joe Giudice? 

I went over much of this in my last blog if anyone needs to play catch up. Mainly I am heavily questioning the truth in what Kim has said. What the hell is her motive and what does she have to gain by exposing herself as the source? Besides publicity... Bad publicity as usual. 

As Caroline mentioned on the latest episode of WWHL, when out with Lauren Manzo on a recent shopping trip, they spotted Kim G with Michael Lohan in Franklin Lakes, NJ. Besides the snooty video Kim released where she bragged about being in a relationship with Lohan and that he had been so great, doing all her yard work and installing the fountain she stood in front of...the relationship has been kept pretty mum.

Maybe this is to fend off any public or private attacks from Michaels former babe, Kate. We all saw on Celeb Rehab 5 she can get a little possessive. My point is, it seems Lohan and Kim have been having a good old time..why is she choosing to step back into Real Housewive territory and stir the pot again? Her beef with Caroline was nearly a year ago at Melissa Gorga's Christmas Party. In the last week she has bragged about Caroline being denied membership to NJCC, called her ass distorted, gotten nasty about the relationship between her son "Johnny G" and Christopher Manzo (she said Caroline ruined their friendship and it will never be the same) and just for kicks she threw in that Teresa looks like an ape. Now we all know Kim is irrational, rude and immature for however old she is..but what gives, why now? It's unlike the old bat to hold her tongue for so long.

My only guess is that something happened privately that we do not know about. Or maybe she was pissed Caroline mentioned her on WWHL, but there was nothing malicious about it. As usual, the Manzo clan has stayed classy and remained mum on the situation. I doubt Caroline would dignify Kim with any type of a response. Chris Manzo shot her a sarcastic tweet recently implying that she was controlling and who made her queen? To which she replied, who allowed you to speak? Lol. Maybe this had something to do with Kim, as several of her tweets involved her perceiving Caroline as controlling, high and mighty, holier than thou, I'm the queen blah blah blah. 

Whatever Kim, what are you so scared of? 

You declined Bravos invite to the Posche Fashion Show, but watched like an obsessed stalker from your condo which conveniently was in the same building. If you hate these women so, why are you even bothering to watch? I think she went out and bought the condo specifically to spy on them because she is too much of a coward to actually attend. If her and Jac are such good friends and she had so much dirt on Teresa, it baffles me that she wouldn't make sure she was there! Kim G missing out on an opportunity to sling mud at  someone, especially Teresa? Hell to the no. Like many things involving the fashion show, the reunion and the entire fourth season~ something doesn't add up. 

Until more photos are released, or one of the women has a bad day and takes to twitter again, we just don't have all the puzzle pieces. I'm hoping the finale & reunion offer us SOMETHING, ANYTHING. If you haven't seen teaser commercials for the finale, it is obvious something is brewing between Teresa and well...everyone. She even somewhat attacks Caroline in her cookbook introduction to Fabulicious: saying Caroline is as Italian as the Olive Garden. To which the always classy Mrs. Manzo replies , "I'd rather be my kind of Italian than her kind of italian." This finale is gonna be a good one guys & girls! 

As for Kim G, I wouldn't be surprised if she made a cameo somewhere between now & the end of season 4.... But then again, I won't be at all upset if she doesn't. For a woman her age which for the record IS in her mid fifties (many of you believed she was in her sixties, and she definitely does appear much older than she is) she sure does act like an agitated teenager. She's downright mean, but when you think of her spouting insults in that whiney voice it just comes off as annoying, like a little barking dog you'd just like to swat away. Keep barking Kim, atleast it gives us someone to hate on besides Teresa. I was watching season 1 today and was reminded of why we all fell in love with Tre. Although it doesn't seem to be in the near future, I hope we get to see her hilarious fun loving side again soon. Bravo, cast new villains, please!!!!!! 

Goodnight all, xoxoxo

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